Guava Gap Soup Kitchen Serves Hot Meals

Posted on Apr 16 2024

Written by Lawrie Henry

For two years now, the Guava Gap SDA Church has been operating a ‘soup kitchen’ that serves hot meals to the community, especially those in need.

Sis. Carol Lawrence, who now leads the Community Services and Welfare Department, remembers that the on-set of the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for the ministry.
“Pastor Darren (Murphy) encouraged us as a church to help as many people as we could and suggested a soup kitchen. We took on the idea and the ministry was born,” she says.

The kitchen started with a small team and a few tools. The team always prays before cooking begins and before serving the meals. Sis. Donna Lewis who has also worked in community services does much of the cooking. She had always wanted to see this ministry at Guava Gap so she supported it wholeheartedly.

“I love the cooking but not so much the sharing out as it can get confusing who is to get what,” she says with a chuckle.

The soup kitchen operates one day per week, usually Tuesday or Thursday. She says that on average 70 meals are served weekly but there was a time they served about 100! Persons will often pick up meals to take to those who cannot physically come to collect them. The nutritious meals generally include ground provision, rice, one or two protein options and vegetables. When there is soup, it is usually prepared by long time Guava Gap soup chef, Pastor Andre Clark.

Sis. Louise Forrest, who is herself a renowned cook, plays an important role in the ministry but not in the kitchen this time. She is often posted at the front of the church with tracts and other literature as the first point of contact.

“I get to talk with people, encourage them in their struggles and pray with them and share a Bible tract or magazine. ” says Sis. Forrest.

In the book Ministry of Healing, Ellen White explains Jesus' method of witnessing: he mingled with people, sympathised with them, ministered to their needs, won their confidence and then asked them to follow him. The soup kitchen is one way Guava Gap is following Jesus example.

“We must say thanks to those who contribute cash or kind, volunteers and everyone who encourages and prays for us. We look forward to it every week. We love to serve the community and we do it with a smile,” Sis. Lawrence says.



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