Our History

For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. - 1 Corinthians 3:11.


Branch Sabbath School to Organization

After His resurrection, Jesus pronounced the great gospel commission to His followers as recorded in scripture: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20)

The Book of Acts tells us that the church multiplied as the gospel was spread. The church is still growing today.

Just as with the early church, the journey of 40 years at the Guava Seventh-Day Adventist Church began with believers sharing the good news in their community and through the power of the Holy Spirit the church came to be.

Sister Lucilda ‘Lus’ Amanda Brown-Forrest, a dressmaker of 45 years, a recognized special awardee of the East Jamaica Conference (EJC) Lay Preacher Federation and a past member of the Cavaliers S.D.A church, was one of many who laboured to multiply souls for the Lord. She was a hard worker and some may ask "Where did she get the time to witness in the community?" but she was determined to also work for the Lord.

After many decades, the journey to and from the Cavaliers SDA Church got more and more difficult for Sis. Lus.  It was time to find somewhere closer to her residence in Golden Hill that could be a beacon lighting up the communities in the surrounding areas. Her vision and desire as a lay preacher were to save precious souls for the kingdom of God and thankfully, she was not alone. She was joined by her close friend, Sis. Pearl Esther Campbell, a colporteur of East Jamaica Conference and Hagley Park Seventh-day Adventist Church, in distributing tracts which were carried in a bag by Sister Lus’ grandson Glenford Silver. Tract distributions were done on Wednesdays in the community.

After doing one and one and house to house witnessing for years, as well as helping others in the Mannings Hill, Mt. Salus, Pear Hill, Wireless Station, Pinto, and Golden Hill Districts with her daughter Leithdene and grandchildren, Sis. Lus thought it best to secure a place to have regular Sunday night services in the adjoining districts. She located a half-finished room used as a club/games house, which was furnished with bamboo seats. This was at the Sinclair’s residence- now known as the Watson’s premises in the Pear Hill District.  Permission was granted by relatives (who own the property) and club members to have the room available for church services. 

On Sunday, 30th May 1980, with twenty-eight (28) persons in attendance, Sis. Lus began the official start of prayer and praise meeting. This was originally done between the hours of 4-5 pm but, with the aid of her husband, Bro. Benjamin Forrest, the Sunday night evangelistic services began. As members of the Cavaliers SDA, Sis. Lus and her husband Bro. Benjamin reported the progress of the evangelistic effort to the church. The SDA church in Cavaliers added Wednesday night prayer meetings with varying speakers, some of whom came from neighboring SDA churches. One of the elders from Cavaliers who preached at the meetings from time to time was Naaman Forrest who eventually joined the Guava Gap congregation when it was formally organized along with his wife Carmen and family.

The numbers increased as the words of God were delivered, and within months, a branch Sabbath School carrying out Sabbath services commenced with the pastor from Woodford SDA (name not remembered) giving his blessings at the premises. Present at the service was Sis. Lucilda Brown-Forrest and her daughter Sis. Leithdene Jackson and two of her children- Laodice and Margaret, Sis. Pearl Esther Campbell and two of her daughters- Karen and Sharon, Sis. Thermutis Higgins, and children Horace, Nadine, Shelly-Ann, and Sheldon, Sis and Auvinelle Clark and children Odine, Shara, Andre, Sonya and Stephen. Also present were Bros. Paul Vassell and Courtney Ellis as well as Bro. Govia Harvey, Bro. David Campbell, Sis. Marcia Fuller and a few members from the Cavaliers SDA. The message reached many persons and the church continued to grow.  It was time to find a suitable place to house the many visitors.

One Wednesday, while Sisters Lus and Pearl were coming from visiting the Mannings Hill Community, they felt tired and decided to rest under an apple tree at the now church gate- which was then a vacant property. While resting, they both gazed upon the property. The property had numerous trees, a burnt-out house, a shed, and a water tank. The thought came to them that this would be an ideal spot for a church. Shortly after, they saw an old man come from the shed to whom they enquired about the landowner. The information was given to them and to God be the glory, when they contacted the owners, the Ortagas, it was for sale.

At the time, Sis. Campbell was working as a colporteur for the East Jamaica Conference. One day, she went to the office and spoke to the president, Pastor Meremoth E. Weir, about their desire and vision for a crusade. She also told him about the land for sale. Pastor Weir promised he would take it to his committee. Months passed after the information was shared with the conference. One day Sis. Campbell went to the conference to do business as usual when she was approached by Pastor Weir, EJC Secretary Pastor Leebert G. Kelly and EJC Treasurer Elder. Gilbert James who told her that they would be coming to view the property. At 10:00 am sharp the next day, they did as they had promised.

It would again take weeks before she heard from Pastor Weir and his team. The wait was nothing compared to the great news she would hear. Through the leadership of Pastor Weir, Pastor Kelly and Elder. James the purchase of the Ortaga property was finalized by the conference. It was decided that there would be a Guava Gap crusade in the summer of 1982. The fledgling congregation would need the involvement of other churches to aid in this soul winning initiative and notice was sent to various SDA congregations about the upcoming crusade.

The ‘canvas cathedral’ was erected on May 30, 1982, and the tent crusade commenced on June 6th, 1982. The effort lasted for twelve (12) weeks and with the vibrant team of evangelist Pastor M.E. Weir and co-evangelist Pastor L.G. Kelly, “Lift up the Trumpet and Loud let it Ring, Jesus is Coming Again” was echoed through the community as well as “God’s Final Message to Earth’s Last Generation”.

During the crusade, there was a supporting team of Bible Workers. These included Pastors Linton Williams, Errol Griffiths, Christopher Phillips as well as Lincoln Edwards and Sisters Virtue and Brown.  Members from Cavaliers, Everton Park, Clarkes Hill, and the Golden Spring congregations gave their support and worked diligently to assist men and women in making a decision to follow the Lord in baptism.  To God be the glory, fifty-nine (59) precious souls were added to the church.

On Sabbath, the 4th September 1982 the Guava Gap SDA Church emerged from its gestation to its birth.  Many members were transferred into membership from various congregations such as Cavaliers, Clarkes Hill, Everton Park, Golden Spring, and other churches; joining with the pioneer members to continue the search for other sheep not of this fold. 

The Church was organized under the leadership of Pastor Teran Milford and wife Sis. Audrey Milford. The first board meeting was held Sunday, 19th September 1982 and the following persons were nominated:

  • Bro. Cecil Simon, First Eder from the Everton Park Circuit of Churches,
  • Bro. Wesley Shaw – Elder
  • Sis. Auvenille Clark – Church Clerk
  • Sis. Lucilda Brown-Forrest – Treasurer
  • Sis. Leithdene Jackson – SS Division Leader
  • Sis. Sheryl Shaw - SS Superintendent
  • Sis. Colleen Rookwood – A Y Leader
  • Sis. Carmen Forrest – Head Deaconess
  • Bro. Naaman Forrest – Head Deacon

Today, we continue to thrive as the family of God. Many souls have been won for the Lord and with faith, the Lord will continue to guide us. Though Sis. Lucilda Brown- Forrest (died October 12, 2002) and Sis. Pearl Esther Campbell (died September 4, 2011) are no longer alive today, these stalwarts are remembered for their faith and commitment to God. We thank God that both sisters were alive to see the dedication of the church on November 29, 1998- sixteen years after it was organised.

The vision and hope they and other early members clung to continue to be realized. Many of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are still committed to the work of God in Guava Gap and around the world.

Here are some other notable historical dates:

  • The first communion service- September 4, 1982 (communion receptacles gifted by Sis. Thermutis Higgins).
  • In December 1982 the two babies were born into the new church and were also later blessed there. They are Marianna Higgins and Cornelia Bonner.
  • The first Agape Feast (Thanksgiving Service) was held in December 1994.
  • The first community member to be honored by the Guava Gap SDA Church was Mrs. McFee in 1995.
  • The choir officially received robes in October 1996.
  • The church building was dedicated in 1997, a major milestone.
  • The first wedding in the almost  completed church building was for Bro. Derrick and Sis. Jacqueline Richards on March 29, 1998.    
  • In April 1998 there was the first Stonelaying Service. Mounted plaques were unveiled by Sis. Lucilda Brown-Forrest and Bro. Andre Clark.
  • Guava Gap SDA Church won the first district church challenge quiz competition, initiated by Pastor A. K. Morris, in 1998 and received the Keith Morris Cup.                      
  • The First Bible Reading Rally was held in June 2001. It was initiated by then Pastor Elias Zabala Snr.
  • The first online live streamed programme at Guava Gap was the Prophecy Seminar presented by Elder Martin Henry on June 30, 2018.
  • The soup kitchen began operation in 2020. It was initiated by Pastor Darren Murphy and is coordinated by Sis. Carol Lawrence who currently leads the Community Services and Welfare department.

Pastors who served:

Teran Milford (1982-1983), Samuel Lewin (1983-1987), Alonzo White (1988-1990), Daviceto Swaby (1990-1991), Audley Allen (1991-1994), Maurice Reid (1994-1995), Gordon Jones (1995-1997), Ainsworth Morris (1997-2000), Elias Zabala Snr. (2000-2003), Windell Montaque (2003-2006), Owen Thomas(2006-2010), Marvin Chin (2010-2014), Melvin Francis (2014-2016), Sheldon Schooler (2015-2018), Linton Hamilton (2018-2019), Darren Murphy (2019-2022) and currently, Selvin Stewart.

First Elders who served (in no particular order):

Cecil Simon, Wesley A. Shaw, Naaman Forrest, Noel White, Melvin Ashwood, Lambert Forrest, Martin Henry, Rudolf Sewell and Derrick Richards .


Written by Tifania Vassell through the contributions of Sis. Laodice Vassell (grand-daughter of Sis Lucilda Brown- Forrest), Peter Campbell and sisters (children of Sister P.E. Campbell) and Odine Clark-Johnson (daughter of Sis. Auvinelle Clark).